Well graduation weekend was the last difficult weekend for most kitchens in Ames Iowa...that weekend was a little stressful but everything went pretty smoothly. I finally got to work the center aka "Driving the Bus" for the whole weekend and my voice was gone by Monday.
I though I was done after Monday morning, but that was not the case I had three more shifts that would drag me almost to the grave. Monday usually goes just fine because I get to work with my friend and Kitchen manager...we mess around a bit but usually get plenty done. Last Monday however that was just not the case...My second to last shift at the pub was slow and boring. The house just drug on forever it seemed....
and then my Legends shift all day on Tuesday came and that is when I knew there was no escape....50 people decided lunch was a good idea at Legends Tuesday morning promptly at ....12:30-ish. They decided to order almost entirely salads which was a bad and a good thing. I had some help from the KM with the party but then he dipped out....begging me to get some prep done that day.
My second to last shift at Legends in a blistering hot kitchen....and I have to slice tomatoes one last time. Fine
Wednesday morning....finally the day of my last shift has arrived! Only 8 slow and arduous hours of doing nothing until I am finally free!!! Unless of course people inevitably begin to show up and continuously ruin my day....smaller party today only 13....I can handle that by myself no problem.
5pm finally arrives and I punch out for the last time at Legends..
Thursday night....finally my last night at WTP and what news do I get not 30 minutes into my shift. The owner decided I am not trustworthy enough to close the kitchen on my last night so his poor step son Cannot has to stay the whole night....this news is both good and bad. I wanted to leave the kitchen a mess when I left that last night, but the whole ordeal is truly not worth my time...
And finally Friday come ...a last little bit of work to do today.
Collect Money!! whoop whoop
the fruits of my labor always come up short however...and the oblivion rages on